Please complete the Booking Form below and click the ‘Send’ button at the bottom of the form

Please enter the name of your Company or Organisation
Please confirm the title of the course you are booking and how many credits this requires
Please tell us the number of Credits you are purchasing with this booking
Please provide the name of the contact for this booking
Please confirm the position of of the Contact in your organisation
Please confirm the main contact person's email address
Please confirm the main contact person's phone number

Invoice & Billing

Please confirm the monetary value of your booking here
If you have raised a Purchase Order - please enter the PO number here

And Finally

Clear Signature
Using either a touch screen or your computer's mouse - please sign here to agree to the terms and conditions outlined below
Please confirm the name of the signatory and in doing so that they are authorised by the company or organisation to submit this booking

Cancellation Arrangements:

Notice of cancellation is required in writing.

Telephone cancellations will be accepted but be confirmed in writing within seven (7) days. Substitution of delegates will incur no charge.

The amount of the course fee that is still applicable will be determined as standard according to the following rules:

Cancellation Notice Fee Payable: If transferred to later date:
5 days or less FULL FULL
6 to 10 days 75% 50%
11 to 15 days 50% 25%
16 to 20 days 25% 10%

For NEBOSH and IEMA Courses:

Cancellation Notice Registration Fees Payable: If transferred to later date:
30 days or less FULL FULL
  N.B. Days = Working Days  

Upon receipt of completed Booking Form an Invoice and Course Joining Instructions will be issued.

TERMS:- STRICTLY 30 DAYS NET FROM INVOICE DATE (unless otherwise agreed)