Health and Safety Audits

Elevating Safety Standards to Benchmark Excellence
our aim

Our Health and Safety Audits service provides an exhaustive and systematic evaluation of your organisation's health and safety management system.

Designed to ensure regulatory compliance and industry leadership in safety standards, our service is your pathway to establishing new benchmarks in health and safety excellence.

Here’s how we make it happen:

  • Tailored Consultation: Engage in an in-depth discussion to comprehend your unique operational landscape, industry-specific challenges, and audit scope, ensuring a bespoke approach.
  • Documentation Review: A preliminary assessment of your health and safety policies, procedures, risk assessments, and prior audit outcomes to pinpoint key areas for comprehensive examination during the on-site audit.
  • Collaborative Opening Meeting: Kick off the audit with a meeting involving key stakeholders to outline the process, objectives, and anticipated outcomes, fostering an atmosphere of collaboration.
  • Facility Walkthrough: Perform a thorough inspection of your facilities to identify visible hazards, observe operations, and assess the real-time implementation of health and safety protocols.
  • Employee Engagement: Conduct interviews with employees across various levels to evaluate their awareness and application of health and safety policies, offering invaluable insights into the system’s effectiveness.
  • Documentation and Record Analysis: Detailed scrutiny of on-site documentation and records, including training logs and incident reports, to assess compliance with legal standards and best practices.
  • Gap Identification: Detect discrepancies and areas of non-compliance with health and safety laws and best practices based on comprehensive observations, interviews, and document analysis.
  • Risk Management Assessment: Evaluate the efficacy of your organisation’s risk identification, assessment, and management practices, including the adequacy of existing risk assessments and mitigation measures.
  • Detailed Audit Report: Compile an extensive audit report highlighting areas of non-compliance, observed risks, and opportunities for improvement, offering a balanced assessment of your health and safety performance.
  • Actionable Recommendations: Provide prioritised, actionable advice to address identified gaps and enhance compliance, based on the severity and impact of each issue.
  • Constructive Feedback Session: Discuss the audit findings and recommendations with key stakeholders to ensure clarity and facilitate effective implementation.
  • Continuous Improvement Audits: Offer follow-up audits and reviews to monitor the implementation of recommendations and the ongoing efficacy of corrective actions.

Our Health and Safety Audits service is an indispensable tool for businesses committed to surpassing health and safety standards. By delivering an in-depth analysis of your current practices against legal requirements and best practices, complemented by actionable recommendations, we lay the groundwork for continuous improvement, compliance achievement, and setting industry safety benchmarks.

Proven Impact

Fostered a culture of continuous improvement, contributing to a 95% increase in safety awareness among employees.
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Helped organisations set and achieve new benchmarks in safety standards, elevating their status as industry leaders in health and safety practices.

Empower your business to not just meet, but define industry safety standards with our expert Health and Safety Audits service.

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